# E-shop based on WordPress CMS, the world's most popular content management & product sales platform, and with the best response to Google searches worldwide.
# E-shop software WOO COMMERCE, the most widespread now worldwide, due to its flexibility and ease of use.
# Hosting on a Greek Server resulting in excellent page loading speed and the expected positive results in Google searches.
# Superior aesthetics and functionality, resulting in an exceptional user experience.
# Space 5 Giga (initially), unlimited Bandwidth.
# No limitation on number of product-categories
# No limit on number of photos
# No limit on the amount of texts.
# Unlimited pages
# Gallery with animation (by product and by category)
# Google Analytics for thorough traffic control
# Full Mobile Functionality fully adaptable to all screens and devices
# Four Payment Methods: Debit/Credit Card, PayPal, Bank Deposit, Cash on Delivery
# Training in the use of the e-shop, in posting/modifying/deleting/changing products until there is no question, 24/7 continuous support for its use and operation.
They are offered in the package FREE:
- content management training
- domain name purchase
- website hosting 5GB for 1 year
- technical support for 12 months
For the package PRO apply all of the above contained in the package Start and additionally offers some important tools for more demanding eshops such as:
For businesses and professionals who want the electronic way of selling products and services without restrictions. It operates continuously 24/7 and serves 100% and the most demanding customers in a dynamic and secure environment.